Certified Fire Investigator

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Course Schedule

August 21, 2025 @ 8:00 AM - November 6, 2025 @ 5:00 PM
(Attendance is mandatory. See Course Description)


Richard M. Flynn Training Facility
Concord, NH


Opens in:


Course Description

This intensive 9-week hybrid course equips aspiring Fire Investigators with the fundamental skills to conduct fire scene investigations. Successful completion meets NFPA 1033 standards and qualifies participants for ProBoard® Fire Investigator certification.

Class Location: NHFA Concord Campus

In Class Dates:  (It is mandatory to attend ALL classes)

August 21,

September 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29

October 16, 30

November 6 (Written Exam)

Cost: Affiliated / Non-Affiliated: TBD May 2025

Please contact Program Coordinator Chris Wyman with any questions christopher.t.wyman@dos.nh.gov

Dress Code:

Students are required to wear business attire for each class. Male students- shirt and tie with appropriate pants and shoes. Female students- suitable business attire such as blouse with skirt or slacks. Suits and department uniform shirt with tie and formal pants are also acceptable. Students may not wear jeans, shorts, t-shirts, sweatpants, sweatshirts, or sneakers to class.

Department uniform for field days.

Course Description:

This program provides aspiring Fire Investigators with the basic knowledge to prepare and conduct fire scene investigations. This is a hybrid course; comprised of both in-person classroom and practical sessions and online assignments and projects. Reliable internet access is required to be able to complete the online component of this course.

NOTE: This program is an intensive, 9-week, higher-education, hybrid course requiring frequent and reliable internet access to complete the requisite online content. To successfully complete this program, students should anticipate twelve plus hours of additional reading, preparatory work and homework outside of the regularly scheduled class time each week. The estimated length of this course including online and in-person work is approximately 154-hours.

After completing this course, the student will have met the National Fire Protection Association® (NFPA) 1033, 2022 edition, Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator. Students who successfully complete the certification process will receive a NH Fire Standards and Training Commission-approved and Pro Board accredited certification as a Fire Investigator.


Attention applicants: Prerequisites must be submitted WITH the General Admission Application submission

  1. Current resume or C.V. submitted with application.
  2. Transcript from the International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI) https://www.cfitrainer.net/, dated within 1 year of the beginning of the course, with 4 specific modules included:
    • NFPA 1033 and your career.
    • The Scientific Method for Fire and Explosion Investigations
    • Charting Your Path in Fire Investigation.
    • Practical application of the relationship between NFPA 1033 and 921.
  3. Letter from the Chief of Department or agency head outlining the applicant’s current fire investigation responsibilities, or that they are being assigned those duties, and that the applicant has been assigned to the class so that there will be no conflict with the program attendance policy. It is mandatory to attend ALL classes.


  • Jones and Bartlett Fire Investigator, 6th Edition
  • NFPA 1033 – 2022 Edition
  • NFPA 921 – 2024 Edition


Registration is only permitted within the defined registration window. Prerequisites must be met at the time of registration.

Courses where pricing is listed as “grant funded” covers course tuition only. Overtime / backfill eligible courses will be specifically noted.

Registration Opens: Thursday, May 1, 2025 @ 08:00
Registration Closes: Thursday, July 31, 2025 @ 16:00

This program provides aspiring Fire Investigators with the basic knowledge to prepare and conduct fire scene investigations.

This is a hybrid course; comprised of both in-person classroom and practical sessions and online assignments and projects. Reliable internet access is required to be able to complete the online component of this course.

NOTE: This program is an intensive, 9-week, higher-education, hybrid course requiring frequent and reliable internet access to complete the requisite online content. To successfully complete this program, students should anticipate twelve plus hours of additional reading, preparatory work and homework outside of the regularly scheduled class time each week. The estimated length of this course including online and in-person work is approximately 154-hours.

After completing this course, the student will have met the National Fire Protection Association® (NFPA) 1033, 2022 edition, Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator. Students who successfully complete the certification process will receive a NH Fire Standards and Training Commission-approved and Pro Board accredited certification as a Fire Investigator.


Attention Students: Prerequisites must be submitted WITH the General Admission Application Submission

  1. Current resume or C.V. submitted with application.
  2. Transcript from the International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI) https://www.cfitrainer.net/, dated within 1 year of the beginning of the course, with 4 specific modules included:
    • NFPA 1033 and your career.
    • The Scientific Method for Fire and Explosion Investigations
    • Charting Your Path in Fire Investigation.
    • Practical application of the relationship between NFPA 1033 and 921.
  3. Letter from the Chief of Department or agency head outlining the applicants current fire investigation responsibilities, or that they are being assigned those duties, and that the applicant has been assigned to the class so that there will be no conflict with the program attendance policy. It is mandatory to attend ALL classes.


  • Jones and Bartlett Fire Investigator, 6th Edition
  • NFPA 1033 – 2022 Edition
  • NFPA 921 – 2021 Edition

Course Reference Number

CREF: 2325FINV9666




To ensure the safety and effectiveness of all participants, prerequisites must be met at the time of registration unless otherwise specified in the course description. These prerequisites are carefully chosen to match the skills, knowledge, and certifications necessary for successful participation in the course. If a valid certification is required (e.g., CPR certification), it must remain current throughout the course. Participants are responsible for renewing any mandatory certifications that may expire during the course period. Failure to meet the stated prerequisites may result in ineligibility to attend the course.

For questions or clarification about prerequisites or certifications, please contact the course coordinator prior to registering.

Prerequisites: CFITrainer.Net Modules, NFPA 133 & Your Career, The Scientific Method of Fire & Explosion Investigation, Ethics & the Fire Investigator, Practical Application of the Relationship between NFPA 1033 & NFPA, Letter from employer/department head outlining applicant’s current fire investigator duties, with approval to participate, Current resume or C.V submitted with application



Registration for this course is not open yet. Please check back after the Registration Open date to the for more details and to secure your spot.

At the time of registration, all prerequisites must be met to ensure eligibility for the course. Additionally, every applicant must have an account in the state’s student information system to receive credit for class attendance. Please visit RespondNH.org to access your account.

After submitting your application, you will be notified of your application status within two business days. Please note that courses listed as “Grant Funded” cover tuition only. Any courses eligible for overtime or backfill will be specifically noted to provide clarity on additional costs or requirements.



Richard M. Flynn Training Facility


98 Smokey Bear Blvd
Concord, NH United States