This seminar is designed for military veterans and transitioning service members who are interested in entering the Fire and EMS workforce. Attendees will meet and hear directly from other veterans who are now career Firefighters and EMS Providers. Learn why the emergency services workforce is perfect for you!
Representatives of NH Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services, NH Office of Workforce Opportunity, Southern NH Services, Professional Fire Fighters of NH, and NH Retirement System will be present to provide career pathways and benefits information to attendees.
Veterans will also learn how the G.I. Bill, along with other funding sources, are available in New Hampshire to help them receive Firefighter and EMS training.
Representatives of various Fire Departments & EMS Units will also be present. Spouses are welcome to attend.
Registration is only permitted within the defined registration window. Prerequisites must be met at the time of registration. Courses where pricing is listed as "grant funded" covers course tuition only. Overtime/backfill eligible courses will be specifically noted.
Registration Opens: Thursday April 20, 2023 @ 12:00 Registration Closes: Wednesday September 13, 2023 @ 16:00