Richard M. Flynn Training Facility, Concord

Home Pages Richard M. Flynn Training Facility, Concord

The Concord campus features include a 12-acre drill yard for practical evolutions, administration/classroom building, an 80-bed dormitory, and a 4-bay drive-through fire station. The drillyard and classrooms serve as a hands-on laboratory for its comprehensive EMS and firefighting online learning platform.

The facility’s training grounds feature two live-burn buildings, a flashover simulator, auto extrication yard and a propane-fueled dumpster and vehicle fire prop. The ground’s varied features allow for dynamic technical rescue scenarios. Apparatus list includes two fire engines, a ladder truck, a mini-pumper, ambulance and ARFF truck. Along the southern flank of the campus is the academy’s 8-acre Aircraft Rescue Firefighting facility, used to train visiting crews from the region to extinguish fires on two state-of-the-art props.