Established in 2014, the new Bureau of Fire Training (BFT) is one of the three bureaus that make up the Division of Fire Standards and Training & Emergency Medical Services.
The function of the Bureau of Fire Training and Administration is three-fold:
1. to ensure that the instructors, curriculums, and fire training programs offered by the Division are of the highest quality and relevant to meet today's emergency responder needs.
More specifically, the BFT oversees the following:
- all firefighter training and certification testing; including aircraft rescue and firefighting, hazardous materials training, wildland firefighting, driver/operator pump and aerial training, and fire officer training,
- the maintaining of NFPA standards,
- maintaining of accreditation by Pro Board,
- promotional exams for fire departments,
- the State Entrance Examination, comprising a written exam and Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) which generates the eligibility list for the hiring of full-time paid firefighters,
- instructor certification and renewal,
- courses offered on campus and throughout New Hampshire,
- visiting committees for curriculum updates and new programs,
- terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, and incident command training, and
- National Fire Academy programs.
2. to provide administrative support for the entire Division.
This includes payroll and purchasing, accounts payable, and accounts receivable. In addition, the administrative support staff provides clerical support, website and social media advertising, and tracking and processing of all courses given on campus and throughout the state from inception to completion.
3. to maintain and update the equipment, buildings, and vehicles used in training programs.
The Bureau of Fire Training and Administration is responsible for the upkeep and updating of the drill yard, maintenance contracts, fleet, apparatus, and inventory of all equipment.
Questions? Please contact Deputy Chief Andy Anderson. General questions can be emailed to