Advanced Spinal Assessment

Home Course Advanced Spinal Assessment

Course Description

In some instances when treating trauma patients, the need for spinal motion restriction will be evident. If it is not, you will need a proper assessment.

New Hampshire Patient Care Protocols states that patients who have experienced a mechanism of spinal injury require spinal motion restriction and protection of the injury site if they exhibit signs and symptoms such as midline spinal pain or tenderness with palpation, abnormal neurological function or motor strength in any extremity, numbness or tingling, sensation that is not intact and symmetrical, or, perhaps cervical flexion, extension and/or rotation that elicits midline spinal pain.

Additionally, EMS providers may face other challenges. How does language barrier, impairment or developmental delay figure into your patient care plan?

This online program will help you understand these factors and the steps necessary to conduct a proper patient spinal assessment.

An artist rendition of a human spine as seen from the outside of the body

Course Details

Online, Asynchronous

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