Swiftwater/Flood Rescue Boat Operator

Course Description

The Swiftwater/Flood Rescue Boat Operator Course provides rescue personnel with the knowledge and skills to safely operate motorized rescue craft in swiftwater/flood rescue environments. This 23 hour course is delivered in three blocks. Blocks are either 3 days or two nights and two days. Block one includes interactive lectures on boat maintenance and Class I whitewater operations. Block two includes Class II & III whitewater operations and low-light operation. Block three continues to build on operator and bowman with advanced rescue skills through challenging scenarios.
This course exceeds NHPA 1006 Chapter 12 Swiftwater Rescue requirements and meets operator and bowman needs for FEMA/NIMS swiftwater/flood resue personnel credentialing.

Course Details




  • Personal Flotation Device (Class V PFD)
  • Gloves (water rescue, SCUBA diving, rope, or extrication)
  • Thermal protection (wet suit or dry suit highly suggested)
  • Water Rescue Boots
  • Helmet (water rescue, kayak, water sport, or climbing) with headlamp
  • The agency being represented will need to provide one inflatable rescue boat 12-18 feet in length with a minimum 25 hp engine for each 4 students

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