Our vision is to be the recognized leader in fire training and emergency medical services, respected by our stakeholders for anticipating and responding to their ever-changing needs while maintaining exceptional customer service.
We are committed to training, educating and certifying emergency and community responders to protect the citizens and visitors of New Hampshire.
The Division of Fire Standards and Training and Emergency Medical Services is one of seven divisions within the Department of Safety working together to make New Hampshire the safest state in the nation. We are made up of full and part-time employees, including many instructors, who strive every day to fulfill our mission and commitment to excellence. Our goal is to achieve this with professionalism, integrity and respect. High quality training is the foundation of prepared emergency responders who are integral to the quality of life in our state. Our team is a highly motivated and dedicated group that work to meet the needs of New Hampshire’s Fire and EMS community in a responsive, proactive way, through collaborative partnerships with our stakeholders.
As Director, I am responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Division and the operations of the Fire Academy, including establishing training programs and offering instruction in firefighting, fire prevention and investigation, hazardous materials, technical rescue and the administration and management of fire departments and emergency medical units. The Division is also responsible for managing the training, testing and licensing of EMS providers, units, instructors and vehicles, along with many other duties. These responsibilities are functionally divided into three sections including the Bureau of Fire Training, the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and the Bureau of Certification and Support. We are funded through revenue generated from the sale of motor vehicle records and grants awarded to our Division.
We encourage you to sign up for our FST-EMS list serve in order to stay up to date on general information, announcements and events throughout our State. Please feel free to contact us anytime by calling 603-223-4200 or by email at

Justin Cutting

Justin Cutting