Emergency Medical Technician

Home Event Emergency Medical Technician

Course Schedule

September 16, 2025 - November 25, 2025
(Tuesdays and Thursdays 18:00 – 22:00)


FireMed-Allenstown FD


Opens in:

124 Days
06 Hours
09 Minutes
06 Seconds

Course Description

From FireMed:

The Emergency Medical Technician course prepares the EMT student to provide prehospital assessment and care for patients of all ages with a variety of medical conditions and traumatic injuries. Areas of study include an introduction to emergency medical services systems, roles and responsibilities of EMTs, anatomy and physiology, medical emergencies, trauma, special considerations for working in the prehospital setting, and providing patient transportation. This course will also focus heavily on case studies presented during class developed by both instructors and students.

Students must be 18 years of age and have a valid driver’s license to participate in this course.

Teaching/Learning Methods
Teaching/learning methods in this course will include assigned readings, presentations, discussions, simulated emergencies, simulated labs, case studies, and class activities. Evaluation procedures include skills examinations, written examinations, and assignments.

Course Textbook Premier Package
Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, 12th Edition

Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Authors:  AAOS
ISBN:  9781284237030

EMT Course Objectives
At the completion of this course you should be able to:

  • Describe the role of EMS in the health care system.
  • Demonstrate the professional attributes expected of EMTs.
  • Perform the roles and responsibilities of an EMT with regard to personal safety and wellness, as well as the safety of others.
  • Perform the duties of an EMT with regard to medical-legal and ethical issues, including functioning under medical direction and within the scope of practice.
  • Apply principles of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, lifespan development, and therapeutic communications to the assessment and management of patients.
  • Identify the need for and perform immediate life-saving interventions to manage a patient’s airway, breathing, and circulation.
  • Assess and manage patients of all ages with a variety of complaints, medical conditions, and traumatic injuries.
  • Apply principles of emergency medical services operations, including considerations in ambulance and air medical transportation, multiple casualty incidents, gaining access to and extricating patients, hazardous materials incidents, and responding to situations involving weapons of mass destruction.

Course Completion Requirements
Successful completion of this course requires adherence to course policies, maintaining a course average of 80%, a minimum score of 80% on the course final examination, and successfully demonstrating all required skills.

Course Attendance Policy
Student attendance is required at all scheduled classes, including lab sessions. Students may be dropped from the course for excessive absences of any kind. Excused absences may be granted by the course instructor for extenuating circumstances. If three or more absences occur for any reason, the status of the student will be reviewed by the instructors to determine a disposition. Course failure is likely under these circumstances. If a student misses any class, he/she is responsible for any missed examinations, lab work, and material covered in that class session. Prompt arrival is expected at all class activities. It is the student’s responsibility to sign in on the attendance roster.

FireMed Tuition includes all course materials, our printed course manual, Jones and Bartlett online learning academy, clinical fees, platinum planner skill tracking software, clinical uniform shirt, and insurance.

The primary focus of the Emergency Medical Technician is to provide basic emergency medical care and transportation for critical and emergent patients who access the emergency medical system. This individual possesses the basic knowledge and skills necessary to provide patient care and transportation. Emergency Medical Technicians function as part of a comprehensive EMS response, under medical oversight. Emergency Medical Technicians perform interventions with the basic equipment typically found on an ambulance. The Emergency Medical Technician is a link from the scene to the emergency health care system.

The Emergency Medical Technician’s scope of practice includes basic skills focused on the acute management and transportation of critical and emergent patients. This may occur at an emergency scene until transportation resources arrive, from an emergency scene to a health care facility, between health care facilities, or in other health care settings.

In many communities Emergency Medical Technicians provide a large portion of the out-of-hospital care. In some jurisdictions, especially rural areas, Emergency Medical Technicians provide the highest level of out-of-hospital care. Emergency Medical Technicians work alongside other EMS and health care professionals as an integral part of the emergency care team.

Emergency Medical Technicians’ scope of practice includes basic, non-invasive interventions to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with acute out-of-hospital medical and traumatic emergencies. Emergency care is based on assessment findings.

Additionally, Emergency Medical Technicians provide care to minimize secondary injury and provide comfort to the patient and family while transporting the patient to an emergency care facility.
An Emergency Medical Technician’s knowledge, skills, and abilities are acquired through formal education and training. The Emergency Medical Technician has the knowledge of, and is expected to be competent in, all of the skills of the EMR. A major difference between the Emergency Medical Responder and the Emergency Medical Technician is the knowledge and skills necessary to provide medical transportation of emergency patients.

The Emergency Medical Technician level is the minimum licensure level for personnel transporting patients in ambulances. The scope of practice is limited to basic skills that are effective and can be performed safely in an out-of-hospital setting with medical oversight and limited training.

The Emergency Medical Technician transports all emergency patients to an appropriate medical facility. The Emergency Medical Technician is not prepared to make decisions independently regarding the appropriate disposition of patients. The Emergency Medical Technician serves as part of an EMS response system, assuring a progressive increase in the level of assessment and care. The Emergency Medical Technician may make destination decisions in collaboration with medical oversight. The principal disposition of the patient encounter will result in the direct delivery of the patient to an acute care facility.

In addition to emergency response, Emergency Medical Technicians often perform medical transport services of patients requiring care within their scope of practice.1

Course Reference Number

CREF: 2325EMT-NPE8826





Registration for this course is not open yet. Please check back after the Registration Open date to the for more details and to secure your spot.

At the time of registration, all prerequisites must be met to ensure eligibility for the course. Additionally, every applicant must have an account in the state’s student information system to receive credit for class attendance. Please visit RespondNH.org to access your account.

After submitting your application, you will be notified of your application status within two business days. Please note that courses listed as “Grant Funded” cover tuition only. Any courses eligible for overtime or backfill will be specifically noted to provide clarity on additional costs or requirements.



FireMed-Allenstown FD


1 Ferry St
Allenstown, United States