2024 Three State Weekend

This year our Three State Weekend will be June 21st – 23rd 2024, at the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, MD. The deadline to apply is April 26, 2024. There are nine great course offerings available.

Strategy and Tactics for Initial Company Operations (W0455)

Executive Skills Series: Exercising Leadership to Facilitate Adaptive Change (W0521)

Shaping the Future (W0602)

Youth Firesetting Intervention Specialist (W0633)

Best Practices in Community Risk Reduction (W0635)

Leadership in Supervision: Frameworks to Success (W0648)

Incident Safety Officer (W0729)

New Fire Chief: Contemporary Issues (W0762)

Fire Investigation: First Responders (W0770)

This year the cost of tuition for Three State Weekend is being covered by the NH Fire Academy and EMS.  The only cost to the participant is the cost of the meal ticket.  To purchase your meal ticket you must go to the NETC General Services website.  The State Weekend meal ticket price is $108.92.  This includes dinner Friday, three meals on Saturday, breakfast and lunch on Sunday, and drinks and snacks for your breaks.

To register please fill out the information below, once the application window closes we will seat the courses and notify you of which course you have been enrolled in.  If you have any questions please contact us at fstems@dos.nh.gov