Designed for fire departments, both civilian and military, whose primary mission is aircraft firefighting and rescue. This course meets the training requirements for both NFPA 1003: Standard for Airport Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications and FAA FAR Part 139.319. Successful completion of this course will lead to ProBoard Certification.
This course covers such topics as airport familiarization, aircraft rescue and firefighting apparatus, aircraft types, engines and systems, and aircraft rescue and firefighting procedures. These classroom sessions are followed by practical exercises in turret operations, and extinguishment of wheel/brake, engine, interior cabin, and fuel spill fires through the use of hand lines on the academy’s 8-acre facility.
The academy site features two training props. The Special Aircraft Fire Trainer (SAFT), is to train firefighters on engine, brake/wheel, and fuselage/cabin fires. The Fuel Spill Trainer (FST) is used to simulate aircraft fuel fires outside of an aircraft fuselage. These props are fueled by a 30,000 gallon liquid propane tank, and the the computer-controlled system can can burn up to 500 gallons of liquid petroleum per minute while in use.