Hazardous Materials Technician

This course is designed to develop a level of competency that will allow the student, operating with other technician-certified individuals, to approach the point of release in order to plug, […]

Hazardous Materials Operations

Firefighters wearing hazardous materials personal protective equipment

This course provides the student with the basic skills necessary to safely and effectively manage the on-scene operations involving the uncontrolled release of dangerous chemicals. As such, it focuses on […]

Hazardous Materials Decontamination

This course is designed to provide Operations level personnel with the theory and practical application of decontamination as discussed during Hazardous Materials Operations. Information concerning responder decontamination at Structure Fires, […]

Hazardous Materials Awareness

A close up image of a spill on a roadway

This independent study course is intended to provide a general introduction to hazardous materials that can serve as a foundation for more specific studies in the future. The course has […]