Increasing volume, decreased staffing, increasing costs, and increased wait times. These are just a small sample of the issues facing New Hampshire’s EMS System, patients, and the greater healthcare system. In this seminar we will explore the positive impact a Mobile Integrated Healthcare (MIH) program can have on these and other system challenges, discuss the differences between the traditional 911 program and a MIH program and explore cases from NH’s active MIH programs. This seminar is a must for any agency chief looking to explore the “Why”, “What” and “How” of a Mobile Integrated Healthcare Program in NH.
Registration is only permitted within the defined registration window. Prerequisites must be met at the time of registration. Applicants will be notified within two business days with the status of their applications. Courses where pricing is listed as "grant funded" covers course tuition only. Overtime/backfill eligible courses will be specifically noted.
Registration Opens: Monday April 03, 2023 @ 08:00 Registration Closes: Monday May 01, 2023 @ 16:00